Sketched Moments Art and Hand Drawn Portraits

Welcome - you've arrived at a site that's currently under construction!

Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm in the middle of updating this site, along with all my online content.

You may have come across this site in search of Hand Drawn Portraits, Webcomics (A Bit of Color), Horror Movie Reviews (Devious Dabney), or other art and online content. Some of the old links are still active, but will be coming down as I completely overhaul everything.

In the near future, I'll be available for commissions, including hand drawn portraits, and will be releasing new content. This site, Sketched Moments, will be dedicated to hand drawn portraits and commissioned artwork, while all other content (webcomics, reviews, and art) will be released on

- Jeff Koch (@SketchedMoments) - 03/30/2017